In the road to Wisconsin


August 27th, 2009 § 0


I like these pictures because they show well this part of America which is very big and important: the countryside.

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This story board just to not forgive

Every Day Life In Chicago, Surprises In Chicago, Trip

June 22nd, 2009 § 1


No, don’t worry, I wasn’t crying . I was hidding because still again, Baptiste looked  to take a picture of me. I put these story board because it was during our trip to Galena and we were laughing a lot in this moment, like all the time, to say the least!  That’s all.

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Galena : still surprising.

Architecture, Surprises In Chicago, Trip

June 22nd, 2009 § 0


Galena: you can guess a city drawing for children. That’s all. Many big houses, some pink buses, a very cute station, some green lands. A little too much, false but not really false but like an attraction park clean where all is beautiful, clean, and where all people live happy and have many childs.

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Galena, on the middle west : Architecture

Architecture, Surprises In Chicago, Trip

June 22nd, 2009 § 0


Pictures from Galena about architecture.This frame and the four next are pictures that  Baptiste shot. I put them in my blog because I like looking at them.
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Only few pictures from Galena

Surprises In Chicago, Trip

June 21st, 2009 § 0


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Dubuque, on the middle west

Architecture, Trip

June 8th, 2009 § 0


It is maybe the ugliest small city that I have never seen but for photography it’s ok. Such an american town… Like some pictures made by kids.

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An American Motel which looks like in the “Telma and louise” movie


June 8th, 2009 § 0


A night on the middle west… I didnt think that one day I could sleep on a true american Motel. It was like a movie. I loved it.

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