Be curious, click on this link and let off steam;
February 11th, 2010 § 1
The Third & The Seventh from Alex Roman: Just wonderful
About Graphic Design, Architecture
February 7th, 2010 § 2
I discovered this on facebook thank to a friend of mine Harold Guerin who is an artist. Look at this video below , it’s worth it.
Dining Out For Life : The Photo Shoot
January 15th, 2010 § 0
The Photo Shoot 7 Janvier 2010
We got a photographer John Gress, and his material , and a place to shoot. All of us were looking forward this evening.
Dining Out For Life : City Of Big Shoulder
January 14th, 2010 § 0
First I made the logo. Once this was aprouved by everyone. We talked with Kevin Richard (director of the events) and Peter Moffit (american intern-copy writer) about the concept of the new campaign. We have created two concept, first was “BE stronger” and the second “City of Big Shoulder”.
For more informations I recommend to read the Text in the bellow wich explain everything about the logo and the two campaign.
Dining out for life : First Trials
January 14th, 2010 § 0
Here are my first trials that I made for Dining Out For Life. Fortnately none had been chosen. At this time I was kind of stressed out about this project.I have been hired for this : to re-create a new branding for this event “ Dining Out For Life” which seems a huge work.
Edge Alliance : Photo-reporter
January 14th, 2010 § 0
Ashiya Kelly
Edge alliance, where I have been working for 3 months ( a non-profit company working to provide housing and supportive services to people on the edge of society…)
Morla Design
August 8th, 2009 § 0
I went to AIGA to see a conference of Morla Design. It was very nice even if I didn’t understand all but it was after a busy day . I ‘m really happy to be member of this association. It was so mad to see 3 days after on the site a lot of pictures of my friend and me when we were in. Click :
The subway
About Graphic Design, Every Day Life In Chicago, Surprises In Chicago
July 24th, 2009 § 0
Just these pictures because I liked this panorama and I would like to keep in mind.
David Carson
June 22nd, 2009 § 1
David Carson is an american famous graphic artist who has been disrupted into graphic design since 1990. He was one of the first to play with typography. He uses typography like pictures.
Still a little bite of design graphic
About Graphic Design, Every Day Life In Chicago
June 8th, 2009 § 0
Since that I ‘m to Chicago I see everyday on the street some Starbuck coffee and sometimes I stop to buy a coffee. Because that Brand is one the best compagny to have a coffee in America and this is so important to find a good coffee there. But also I interested about this pakadging, I like the style of their graphics. I find that they are one good example of communication which give pleasure and educate the looks.