A Resistance Culinary

Every Day Life In Chicago

August 8th, 2009 § 0


With surprises and big astonishment … I can say I have never eaten better than in America.

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Urban Outfitters

Every Day Life In Chicago, Surprises In Chicago

August 8th, 2009 § 0


It’s my favorite store. There are a lot of original and pretty clothes . And above all the store is very crafty, you can discover many funny staff.


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Paris-Chicago : Jean-Christophe Ballot

Architecture, Exibitions

August 8th, 2009 § 0


I wrote an article in FILL-IN about this exhibition by Jean Christphe Ballot calls Paris-Chicago. It was so interesting to see this there. For the more curious people to clink on the link.


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In the top of John Hancock Center


August 8th, 2009 § 0


We went when Agnès and François were in Chicago.  In the lounge there were an amazing view.  I have nearly fainted  and I may be suffering from vertigo.

John Hancok Center

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