New Orleans : Night


August 30th, 2009 § 0


The night in the New Orleans , we ate creole , Crab fry. Interesting but not really good. the things completly crazy it’s that you eat this like an hamburger. On the wall they were a lot of pictures really nice, some Indians portraits made by try to get an interview for Fill-in but aparently he has a problem to answer to my questions but no problem to send me his pictures it’s weird . I hope to show his work on We ll see.

As I would to share it and that I can’t on Fill-in. Here are the pictures which in my mind are really interesting and nice to understand the CARNAVAL here in New Orleans. This Celebration come from Paen celebration because it’s come from Indians People who lived in Louisiane and today it’s a mix between Christian and Paen celebration. To dress up for tributing the earth -god, for exemple.

“éloquents visages”










After this restaurant we went to listen music in the streets and as my mother told me it’s not really really good. Come to the New Orleans just for this is not really a good choice but to come for seing this and the architectures, the bayou and try to understand a little bit about the cajun people and Indian and creole; is a good trip.
Also we spend some hours to listen without a big enthousiasm we thought that in Chicago in the Kingsdom Miles we listen better
sounds. And it’s true that the atmosphere is weird I was sharing betwen to think that it was too popular too touristic and in the same time I thought that it was the same long time ago the jazz has been alway played in the back place between prostitute, alcoolh and geniuns. I had in my mind Boris Vian and his popular tonality.



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