New Orleans : Weird stuff

Surprises In Chicago, Trip

August 28th, 2009 § 2


without comments …


Baptiste surronded by the jungle … so risky ( small talk about your skill to swim like a dauphin. Ok more discuss about this because it’s funny. One day we were in Michigan during the summer where there were beautiful beaches with big dunes. We passed our time to enjoy the sun and the sea and fortunately there were big waves and I followed baptiste to swim in the waves. He slided on the top of the waves. After 10 minutes I was behind him and when I saw him like this his face surronded by foam, I heard a girl was saying to her friends this magic sentence : ” Look at him, he swims like a dauphin “It was so funny I almost died, I was doubled up with laughter.)



This sculptor has a big place in my collect of awful scuptor that I have already seen in the USA.



In the center of New Orleans completely weird so different of the rest.



We went to this bar to breakfast. Yammy ! Some true croissants, my first time after 4 months.




§ 2 Responses to “New Orleans : Weird stuff”

  • Renée L. says:

    Cet “adorable petit chien” a du te rappeler tes cours de maths privés chez Alain Z……………………….

    Merci pour ce beau voyage à la New Orleans au travers de tes superbes photos, beaucoup de souvenirs remontent à la surface.

    Gros gros bisoussssssssss

  • Renée L. says:

    Cet “adorable petit chien” a du te rappeler tes cours de maths privés chez Alain Z……………………….

    Merci pour ce beau voyage à la New Orleans au travers de tes superbes photos, beaucoup de souvenirs remontent à la surface.

    Gros gros bisoussssssssss

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