An evening when Baptist’s father was in Chicago

Every Day Life In Chicago

August 27th, 2009 § 0


An evening when Baptist’s father was in Chicago. ( around 15 July)

Of course in The Kingston our favorite bar where we already discovered a lot of amazing bluesmen. It still was a nice evening , we laughed a lot above all when Baptist’s father told to us if we had understood the meaning of one sentence in a song that we were listening.
And Baptiste told us of cours,e it is about love: “I love you like a Jerrican” and the word was hurricane. OOhhh it’s so romantic. We had a big “trippo” like my grandfather said. And then we danced together .It’s a shame I hadn’t battery anymore but I kept in mind this souvenir.
Baptist danced on the blues music like when he dances Swing with his legs which move quickly and which make laugh American People. Héhé!! I loved it even if each time I tried to follow him without any success.


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