David Carson

About Graphic Design

June 22nd, 2009 § 1

David Carson (Tribute to)

David Carson is an american famous graphic artist who has been disrupted into graphic design since 1990. He was one of the first to play with typography. He uses typography like pictures.

I need to talk about him because he is one of mine best graphic artist, maybe too because I discovered at the beginning of my studies. I was impressionate about his works and I reconize in his works. Of course I picked in his work many things as many students in graphic design. In my mind but is maybe false he created a real american style, in opposite with Swiss style. He broke all the rules and he worked with a tremendous liberty and much enjoyment.  For me it’s a little difficult to explain (above all  in english) but now I know a bit more about america and it’s less surprising. I don’t know why but I feel  here that enjoying. The liberty is in an the american culture more than in ours. no doute.  And then , he is still inspired today all the graphic that I can see on the streets everyday. For exemple many brands took his style as Starbuck and Potbelly and many others. The publicity usually is more colorful than our and more vintage , make with differents layers. This is really entertaining!

This is really entertaining!







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