Gay Prade


June 29th, 2009 § 2


After having made one Gay Prade in Germany and the seconde  in Paris. Never two without three.  In Chicago in our neiborhood because it’s a gay neiborhood. It was funny, we stayed 2 hours. A thingh amazing in Chicago. It has been sunny for 15 days and Yesterday I was sunburnt as never. But it is really nice I have waited the summer for  months.

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Kaplan Prom party : 27 May

Every Day Life In Chicago, Surprises In Chicago

June 22nd, 2009 § 0


It was so funny, a good souvenir. We danced a lot and met many people. At the end of the night we went to Dimitri house (rusian guy) who has a big house with three floors. There were almost all students and just for glance inside , it was worth it.  We stand only a little hour but it was  like I thought an american party was : as a soap american movie with young people in every room.

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David Carson

About Graphic Design

June 22nd, 2009 § 1

David Carson (Tribute to)

David Carson is an american famous graphic artist who has been disrupted into graphic design since 1990. He was one of the first to play with typography. He uses typography like pictures.

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This story board just to not forgive

Every Day Life In Chicago, Surprises In Chicago, Trip

June 22nd, 2009 § 1


No, don’t worry, I wasn’t crying . I was hidding because still again, Baptiste looked  to take a picture of me. I put these story board because it was during our trip to Galena and we were laughing a lot in this moment, like all the time, to say the least!  That’s all.

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Galena : still surprising.

Architecture, Surprises In Chicago, Trip

June 22nd, 2009 § 0


Galena: you can guess a city drawing for children. That’s all. Many big houses, some pink buses, a very cute station, some green lands. A little too much, false but not really false but like an attraction park clean where all is beautiful, clean, and where all people live happy and have many childs.

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Galena, on the middle west : Architecture

Architecture, Surprises In Chicago, Trip

June 22nd, 2009 § 0


Pictures from Galena about architecture.This frame and the four next are pictures that  Baptiste shot. I put them in my blog because I like looking at them.
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Only few pictures from Galena

Surprises In Chicago, Trip

June 21st, 2009 § 0


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Galena, on the middle west : People

News, Non classé

June 21st, 2009 § 0


There are a lot of motors it was really amazing . At the breakfast we meet a young women who works in a small and strange restaurant.  (rest)

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The most interesting for me

Architecture, Surprises In Chicago

June 21st, 2009 § 0


I don’t know if you are going to understand me but this picture is a good example to show the diffrent styles of architectures present in Chicago.  Not only I like this “mess” but I really enjoy to live surronded by these amazing landscapes. I have been amazed since 2 month and I keep going….

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Some Flags

Every Day Life In Chicago, Exibitions, News, Surprises In Chicago

June 21st, 2009 § 0


The american landscapes are a little nationalist and  can surprise foreign people. I am beginning a collection of american flags.

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